Tips to achieve Complete Wellness Post-Pandemic

complete wellness

Achieving complete wellness doesn’t happen overnight. It takes discipline and hard work. We all have heard about the term wellness in our day-to-day life, whether in a doctor’s clinic, workout place, on social media or at home. But what is complete wellness?

Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of and make choices toward a more successful existence.

The National Institute of Wellness

Complete wellness is a self-directed process, meaning it must come from within. Nobody can make you do it.

Earlier, health and wellness were interchangeable. Being healthy without illness was considered wellness too. But, in today’s time, health is considered a state of being without illness. And, complete wellness is considered a state of actively living a lifestyle that will help you lead a  healthy life. Mere physical wellness without any diseases is not considered wellness. Complete wellness is achieved when your body, soul, and mind are in alignment with each other. Wellness starts with you and how you treat your body and mind.

Lets us see some tips to achieve complete wellness in our daily life.

Exercise regularly

mom and child exercise

We have all heard of how important exercise is from childhood. It isn’t easy to start exercising. But it is difficult only till it becomes a routine. Just like brushing your teeth, bathing, and eating has become a routine in everyone’s life, exercise should be as natural as these things. If you are a parent, start your kid’s exercise routine from an early age. It will help them to exercise regularly with ease when they are adults to achieve complete wellness.

An hour of exercise every day will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Since the pandemic hit us, we all have been keen to improve our health, but we like being confined within our houses due to the lockdown imposed on us for too long. There is still a degree of reluctance to join the gym even after the lockdown is lifted. The easy way to start your fitness routine is to start walking. Be it on the treadmill or in the park. Walk briskly for at least 20-30 min. It will help you in finding a consistent routine. Gradually add exercises on the go.

QNET’s Home gym is the go-to workout equipment for all those finding it difficult to go to the gym outside. It is loaded with 15 different exercises for a complete body workout. It is made with state-of-the-art quality. I have been using QNET myhomeplus homegym, which was a savior during the lockdown. It helped me in attaining complete wellness.

Eating a balanced meal is essential

Green and beans

Eating a well-balanced meal is essential in this post-pandemic world. We all saw what the pandemic did to us. Being strong inside out is important, along with exercise. A balanced meal consists of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat in a 3:2:1 proportion. We can all agree that today’s meals are lesser in nutrients and do not meet all the nourishment required for our bodies. Many of us are urged to take additional nutrition and dietary supplements to build resistance and improve health.

There are numerous nutrition supplements available on the market. Many of these supplements are promoted as magic pills. Be wise and choose the supplements that will best boost your metabolism. QNET has a vast supplement that gives the desired result. See the complete wellness range of QNET’s nutriplus health and wellness here.

QNET’s nutriplus capsule supplements and many natural extracts like green coffee and celesteal green tea are very effective in building immunity and giving complete nourishment. Nutriplus DiabaHealth acts as nature’s shield against blood sugar levels. QNET’s nutriplus range was the first product I purchased from QNET. I have been using it to supplement my food to improve my health and complete wellness for over a decade.

Get enough sleep

beauty sleep

Every one of us might have experienced disrupted sleep habits. The pandemic and lockdown have disturbed our sleep cycle, thus messing with our biological rhythms. Many have cultivated the habit of staying awake most of the night and sleeping till noon. It is important to get at least eight hours of sleep every day. When you sleep very late at night till noon, no doubt you get eight hours of sleep, but your body changes its rhythm with its geological location, causing a mess.

Due to disturbed bio-geo rhythm, you feel drained of energy when you wake up, and you want to go back to sleep. Your lifestyle gets a major blow, and you kick fitness to the back burner. You feel active and energetic at night instead of during the day. This can have a devastating impact on your health and immunity as well. You will have decreased efficiency in your work and cannot give your 100%.

Sleep is an important aspect of our complete wellness. Sleep is when our body rest and repairs damages made to it. To sleep at night for eight hours will relax and rejuvenate you in the morning. QNET’s nutriplus celesteal green tea is free of caffeine and is all-natural. It boosts your sleep and helps you rejuvenate. I have been drinking celesteal green tea for a long time now. It has helped me immensely to maintain a good sleep routine.

Mental wellness is fundamental

complete wellness

Stress is a major cause of many ailments in our body. Stress is like cancer for our mental health. Many of us have lost our loved ones to the pandemic, lost our jobs, or just lost our zeal. We feel anxiety, anger, and a lot of unpleasant feelings. Accepting the fact that the pandemic is out of our reach and there is nothing we can do about it is the first step in getting our mental state back.

Caring for mental health is as important as taking care of your physical one. In recent years, especially post-pandemic, mental health awareness has increased, leading many people to talk about it without sigma. You can start taking care of your mental health by exercising regularly and speaking about your feelings to someone you trust- it may be a professional or a close friend. Meditation also is a brilliant way to manage stress and obtain complete wellness. Get out of the house and be around people who understand you and help you in your dreams.

QNET has a well-established network of people. It is a very strongly knit community. We helped each other overcome our losses and face them with courage. Many people in our network have helped others outside the community by helping them secure a job and be financially stable. QNET members regularly host events and parties for other members. It gives us a place to meet our friends and mentors and draw inspiration from them. When I often get depressed and lose focus on my objective, I connect with a fellow QNET member. They have helped me get focused and overcome depression.

Being Social

being social

Complete wellness is achieved when we are physically and mentally fit. It is always a good thing to meet other human beings because humans are built to have a human connection. It is very difficult for them to survive alone and thrive. Don’t postpone meeting your friends and family. Go out to family get-togethers and family functions.

Being social does not mean social media. Social media has taken over like a storm. All age groups, from young to old, use social media daily. Though social media has its advantages, it has many disadvantages too. Social media has taken us towards a virtual world. It is one of the main causes of depression because we start comparing our lives with others. Every one of us has our own journey, and it is not good to compare someone else’s life with ours.

QNET helps people get the social connections essential for the complete wellness of a human being. As mentioned earlier, regular events and parties help us meet others and share our experiences in the real world rather than the virtual world.

Maintain work-life balance.

work life balance

All work and no play make Tom a dull boy. We have heard this saying in our childhood. With the pandemic and work from home being the norm, people are finding it difficult to distinguish between work and personal life. The heavy workload expected by the managers does not help with finding a work-life balance. Many people, especially women, find it difficult to separate work and family time.

Planning your day’s schedule in advance will help you maintain a better balance. Don’t make overtime a habit. Working overtime is not only bad for your physical health. It is also bad for your mental health. A planned schedule will help you be more productive, thus not requiring you to work overtime.

Members of the QNET family have a well-maintained work-life balance. They regularly take a family vacation to exotic places partnered with QNET. They know how to enjoy life without the burden of being stuck in an office job. QNET offers home-based business opportunities to individuals searching to maintain a balance. QNET members are financially stable and help others get financial independence. Check out how QNET offers work-life balance in your life.

Achieving complete wellness is a task in itself, but with the help of QNET, I could achieve it very easily. QNET community gives you all of the above and much more. Its wide variety of products and amazing business opportunities offered to help me reach complete wellness and lead a happy life. Life is not meant just to survive. It is to be lived to the fullest.

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