Women Empowerment made Simple with Direct Selling.

women empowerment


Women empowerment journey is very old. Many women try to find the balance between household chores and work responsibilities. Be women in a corporate setting or business. They are constantly juggling to maintain a work-life balance. As a result, many quit their jobs to try and find comfort in being homemakers. Thus, making them financially dependent on others. Every time this happens, it is a step back in the women empowerment journey. However, the situation is much better than in the previous century, where working women were a rare species.

Many homemakers out there find it difficult to go out, learn something new, and earn. I have been there. I was reluctant to put my career before my family. I was always on the lookout for a home-based business opportunity so that I didn’t feel like I was neglecting my family. In this quest, I came across QNET’s direct selling opportunity. The amazing part was that I didn’t have to put my family second. I took a leap of faith and landed on the brighter side of life.

I hope this article inspires you to grab this incredible opportunity and regain control of your life.

What is direct selling?

Direct selling is a type of business that does not involve middlemen. The business is between the seller and consumer directly, without an intermediary. Thus, being profitable to both parties. It is different from a retail setup with no direct contact with the seller and consumer. Direct selling has been in practice for centuries.

In this modal of business, there is a presentation to demonstrate and explain the benefit of the products in totality to the consumer. In direct selling, every product and service is sold directly through the sales representative or someone directly involved with the business. Women are engaged with direct selling from the beginning. Therefore, Direct selling has been recognized as a women empowerment business.

Direct selling with QNET

QNET’s direct selling is based on the idea that sales are made by its members to customers directly. It essentially asks its member to be part of the company before they sell the company’s products. You should have used the product and seen its worthiness to sell a product. So, to enter the direct selling business with QNET, you must purchase a product and then only are you allowed to become a member. Only the members associated with QNET can make the sales.

In my initial days with QNET, I conducted many one-on-one sales pitches with people in my close circle. I planned regular party pitches for my acquaintances. QNET helped me in growing my network and planning strategies for my business. It is a great way to meet many new and amazing people. It is one-way QNET helps in women empowerment.

In this meeting, you can introduce the products and the wonderful advantages it offers. You can purchase the QNET products directly from its e-commerce website. Growing your network and customer base is crucial in exponentially growing your profits. These people help you make profits, so it is important to ensure they succeed.

The prerequisites that QNET has is that the person selling should be 21 years of age and above. It also asks the person selling to have a referrer.

Women Empowerment in QNET

QNET is not all joy and colourful. It needs hard work and commitment. As a woman, hard work is not new for us. The process of women empowerment is all about overcoming obstacles. So, buckle up and be prepared for these hurdles.  Initially, you will face many challenges, one of which is rejection. Now is the time for you to have patience and persist in the journey. It will get easier later, of that I guarantee you. Try not to feel too discouraged and don’t lose focus on the bigger picture. Below are a few inspirational quotes for women empowerment from women in QNET.

Here are some inspirational quotes from our successful VPs and AVPs.

There are no external challenges for her that she can’t overcome. Only her inner battles that she has to fight and win over.

– AVP Shipra Neeraj

The most important thing needed to succeed in direct selling is to have a dream and be goals driven to achieve it.

– said, VP Sharfun Shaikh

Success doesn’t see gender. It comes to those who put their blood and sweat into it and are deserving of it.

– VP Kavita Sugandh

Even if a hundred men succeed, no one notices, but if ten women are successful, everybody knows about it. This changes the perception of what we can accomplish.

– VP V Padma

women empowerment


In today’s world, women have broken the stigma and have become master jugglers. Women empowerment in the 21st century has overcome hardships due to the sacrifice and protests initiated by women in the previous generation. Let us make the most of it and take power into our hands. Begin your career with QNET’s direct marketing venture and gain your financial independence. Let us make the womenkind proud and seize this chance to help many more women live their dreams.

Hoorah to women empowerment.

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