5 Ways Women Empowerment and Development is achieved by Direct Selling

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Direct selling is one of the top businesses in India that is pledged to women empowerment and development. Women in India still face a lot of discrimination from society. Many women give up their careers for the sake of family. In rural India, we have seen female children sacrificing education for their male siblings. With fewer women getting access to education and career growth, women empowerment and development are hindered. Due to the lack of women empowerment, we witness much harassment of women and children.

Women empowerment and development are important for the progress of any society. Without it, we are stuck in the past. With more and more women being empowered, there can be a significant change in the dynamics of society. Direct selling is a perfect opportunity for women empowerment and development. It ensures that women become financially independent.

Benefits of Direct selling for women empowerment and development


Women empowerment and development requires flexibility in doing business. Not many businesses have incorporated this in their business model and still have to catch up with direct selling on this front. With a flexible business model, many can give 100% efficiency without compromising their other responsibilities.

Women empowerment and development are ensured in direct selling with flexible business hours. Direct selling is a business that can be done at your convenient time and place without any restriction. Most women have family obligations and cannot dedicate their time during most parts of the day. That is not an issue at all. Direct selling does not require you to work from morning to evening, nor does it ask you to work all six days a week.

Remember, the harder you work, the better you are at achieving financial stability. Even with flexible work hours, it is possible to succeed with QNET, a direct selling company.

Initial Investment

To start a business in India, you should be ready to put down a minimum initial investment. This initial investment is a should and must. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get your business running. Many women do not have access to the large amounts of money required to start any business. Thus, they are discouraged from starting a venture of their own.

Direct selling does not ask you for any huge initial investment in a business. The amount required to start QNET direct selling business is the bare minimum. It does not ask for you to have a large number of funds before your start the direct selling business. Many women opt to be direct sellers for this reason.

QNET direct selling ensures women empowerment and development by allowing them to start a business and earn their livelihood. Though it does not require a huge investment, the return you receive from it is amazing.

Virtual Office

Most businesses require a brick and motor set up to run their enterprise. They need a building as their office and operate their company. Many businesses need a storage place to keep their inventory for sales. They also need a place to organize their sales.

Direct selling is a home-based business opportunity perfect for women empowerment and development. It does not have the requirement of an office. Direct selling can be done from any place at any time. It does not need a designated space to operate. The network of people in a direct selling business can also work from home.

QNET direct selling company is a 100% e-commerce company. Independent representatives of QNET need not have a physical space to store the products. QNET direct sellers are provided with a virtual office online to track their progress and keep up with the business.

Business Cost

The cost of doing business is an expense incurred in conducting business. Expenses can be maintenance costs, advertisement costs, lead acquisition costs, building costs, employment costs, etc. A business must show sales or services profits to overcome the business running costs. Otherwise, there will be a loss incurred by the running cost.

Direct selling does not have any business running costs. It does not need advertising, building maintenance, employee costs, etc. If a direct seller cannot show a profit in the business, he does not go into loss.

QNET business can be done without any overhead cost required for operating a business.

Equal Pay

Many industries have seen gender pay inequality. Women are paid less than men for the same amount of work. This parity gap is in India and worldwide across all leading businesses. It is of the belief that women do not show productivity as men and, therefore, are always paid less, promoted to higher positions even lesser. Women are also not encouraged by their families to take up higher positions in an organization and hence find it difficult to reach the top.

Direct selling has no such biases. Women and men are paid the same amount in compensation. There is no disparity between women and men. The amount you earn is proportional to the work you have done.

QNET has many women direct sellers reaching the top in the organization. QNET encourages women empowerment and development and thus has many women in its army of direct sellers.

women empowerment and development


Women are the backbone of society. Women empowerment and development is the responsibility of everyone in society. When our women are educated, the whole society finds progress. Women in India are in many professions. Many women are successful business owners. However, few businesses are keen on including the above ways of a women-friendly business model.

Direct selling was designed so that anyone could work from home and build a successful business. Women took advantage of this model and participated in the business and are now thriving. QNET direct selling is always women-friendly and encourages women entrepreneurs to join their businesses.


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