4 Ways to Increase your Business’s Profitability.


Every business can improve its profitability. Changing a single aspect can sometimes improve a business’s profitability. On the other hand, businesses must implement several small steps to increase their profit margins. Many entrepreneurs know profitability from a basic standpoint, i.e., if the money from sales is more than the expenses of running a business, that means profitability. Many businesses’ primary goal is profitability. A good cash flow helps keep the business running. This article guides you to deliver profitability from your downline and capitalize on material gain.


4 Key aspects to increasing profitability

1. Reducing costs

The cost of running a direct selling business is almost negligible. A direct selling business does not have a running cost like a traditional business. However, if you are facing a considerable running cost, it is time to introspect how you run the business. A robust method can reduce costs in a direct selling business by implementing a  smart way of doing business. Keep track of things that are consuming money to run a business.

For example, if the cost of holding regular parties and get-togethers is high, consider the items you spend on to hold these get-togethers. You do not need an extravagant menu to hold the get-together. Reduce your food cost and opt for something more affordable. It will take time to jot down the cost of everything. Be patient and jot down the expenses. It will give you an estimate of expenses for holding a get-together. By this, you can plan your get-together or business pitcher meeting for fewer number times and include a board audience type.

2. Increasing Turnover

The purpose of a business is to have a considerable turnover and have profit in running the business. Otherwise, the business is running at a loss, and it is better to close the business. The profitability of your business is affected not only by the cost of running a business but also by the type of customers you sell the products to. Focus on your most profitable customers and let go of less profitable ones. However, keep in mind to handle them carefully.

Also, selling more to your profitable customers will help you increase the profitability of your business. You can up-sell premium products to your profitable customers, increasing your turnover. Cross-selling is another way to increase turnover. Crosse-selling means analyzing the purchase behaviour of your customers and offering complementary products.

3. Increasing Productivity

Communicate your commitment to increasing productivity in your downline. Communicating your productivity timeline and target will give your downline something to aim for. Identify key performance indicators. They should be goal-oriented, measurable, comparable, and have a scope for improvement. Analyze if there is a better way to run your business that is more efficient and productive. Compare your business approach with other similar businesses. This is known as benchmarking.

Benchmarking can be limited or detailed. Benchmarking also allows you to overcome the blockade of productivity and have new ideas and momentum to increase business profitability. You can increase productivity by doing basic research, such as informal conversations with your customers and downlines about potential improvements.

4. Increasing Efficiency

Every business needs to know who its customers are and what they buy. Every sale can be categorized into one of four categories.

  1. High sales – High Profit
  2. High sales – Low profit
  3. Low Sales – High profit
  4. Low sales – low profit

It is natural to concentrate on 1st category of customers who bring in high sales and high profits. Spend time on expanding a new customer base with similar purchase behaviour. The 3rd category of customers who bring in low sales with high profit also boost profitability significantly. Customers with high sales and low profit can potentially become high sales – high-profit customers if the products are marketed to them correctly. On the other hand, customers generating low sales – low profit decide whether it is worth spending more time on them.



Increasing your business profitability is the ultimate plan for a successful business. It is important to review areas in your business that needs improvement. Ex general process of running a business or its social media engagements. Key performance indicators help you analyze a business’s strengths and weaknesses. Ex raising costs or falling sales. Analyzing the general cost of running a business and identifying the areas for reducing the costs will help improve your business’s profitability.

Regardless, entrepreneurs must look beyond the monetary profits. Monetary profits do not always indicate the profitability of a business. Key metrics play an important role in determining the profitability and sustainability of a company. The above key aspects help identify the areas of business that are doing well and those that need improvement.



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