7 Things to look for before joining A Network Marketing Company

network marketing company

Everyone dreams of starting their own business and being their own boss. The 9-5 job culture is soon to be outdated. In the current economic conditions, people are more daring and confident in starting their businesses. However, many are reluctant due to the challenges of owning a business, like heavy initial costs, knowledge of doing business, cost of running a business, etc. Network marketing companies offer an amazing opportunity for people who want to be entrepreneurs. Network marketing has a low initial investment, anyone can get into it without specialization, and the cost of running the business is null.

Regardless, there are a few things you must consider before deciding to join a network marketing company. There are many network marketing companies in India. Some are more successful than others. Choosing the right network marketing company is crucial for success in your business. Following are a few things that helped me decide to partner with QNET. Read on to know more and how you can be sure if a network marketing company is a right fit for you.

1. Longevity

According to statistical data, 9 out of 10 companies fail to take off within the first five years in the business. The remaining one company also does not guarantee success and may fail after the first five years. This statistic is true of network marketing companies also. Therefore, before joining a network marketing company, see if the company has lasted more than five years. If it has lasted for ten years, it is even better.

QNET was established in 1998, with its headquarters in Hong Kong. Since then, it has branched out to other countries and still growing. QNET is a well-established network marketing company over twenty years old. Joining QNET as a network marketer is one of the best decisions of my life. My journey with QNET started a decade ago. I have seen growth not only in QNET but in my business also. Therefore, it is safe to say that choosing QNET as your network marketing company will be beneficial, and you will definitely succeed in your business.

2. Credibility

A company’s credibility is very important when you decide to join a network marketing company. Knowing the company you will be dealing with is crucial for doing business. Has the company ever taken advantage of its customers or business partner? This will help you decide the company’s credibility. Has the company been involved in any illegal activities, is it recognized legally in your country? Company’s partners and their social contribution all help in knowing a company’s credibility.

QNET is a legitimate company. It has been recognized on international platforms and rewarded as well. QNET has worked with the government of Indonesia to make a commemorative coin in memory of its Ex-president. In 2003, QNET was the official partner of the International Badminton Federation World Cup held in Birmingham, UK. QNET has also partnered with Manchester City Football club. QNET has sponsored Chetan Korada of Formula 4 and helped him set up a motorsports driving school.

Raise yourself to help mankind – RYTHM is a social responsibility arm of QNET. RHYTHM has helped and organized many non-profit ventures and is committed to the upbringing of the local community. It has done commendable work to exhilarate the poor and give them opportunities to improve their economic conditions. Seeing the work of RYTHM makes me proud to be a partner with such an incredible network marketing company. All of the above contributions and recognitions make QNET a credible company to partner with.

3. Size and Growth

The company’s size also matters when you plan on joining a network marketing company. How many offices does it have? Location of these offices? The number of independent representatives it has? All these show the company’s stability and how far it has come. However, more importantly, the company’s growth is essential when joining a network marketing company. How fast it is growing will determine the goal it is aiming to reach.

QNET is running successfully and has offices all over the world. QNET has millions of individuals partnered to be its independent representatives worldwide. It is constantly achieving new milestones and helping people succeed in their business. In its 22-year history, QNET has shown steady growth and expansion.

4. Products

What you sell is another important aspect when joining a network marketing company. The most successful companies sell health and wellness products. It constitutes about 80% of network marketing companies. Telecommunication services and holidays are other major products sold by a network marketing company. A few companies sell jewellery and education. See and use the network marketing company’s products before partnering with it. If you are passionate about the product, it will make your job easier.

QNET promotes a wide range of products which include health and wellness, jewellery and watches, home and living, and beauty care. They have one-of-a-kind products that have a ton of benefits. They have partnered with heritage watchmaking brands from Switzerland. The QNET product quality determines that the product will sell with ease. Your job as a network marketer is to see whether the product quality and price are competitive in today’s market.

You may think that selling products at a lower price will attract more customers. However, the cheap products will have cheap quality as well. Though you might see many customers initially, they may vanish after some time when they realize it is not worth buying cheap products. QNET products are slightly more in price but have world-class quality. Whether expensive or cheap, make sure it adds value to the customers.

5. Compensation Plan

Doing business with a network marketing company is for the compensation plan they offer. The company’s compensation plan is a major deciding factor when joining a network marketing company. If the required work does not match the pay, it is best to look elsewhere. You cannot work for a company for charity. Your hard work should be compensated appropriately.  

Few network marketing companies pay a handsome compensation and commission on selling their products. QNET is one of the companies that fairly compensate its independent representatives. You can advance in rank and get more with hard work and commitment. For more information on the QNET compensation plan, read here.

network marketing company

6. Training

People from all backgrounds can do network marketing. You do not need a degree or any specialization to do the job. In addition, network marketing is a fairly new concept of doing business, which requires some training. Joining a network marketing company that provides training to its independent representatives is a better option.

QNET provides training and support to its independent representatives and empowers them to be better network marketers. The company provides abundant training materials to its independent representatives. QNET mentors are another big asset to the company. With their experience, they help others succeed in network marketing.

7. You

You are the most important aspect before joining a network marketing company. Are you prepared for what it takes to be a network marketer? Do you need the big change? Do you have the right mindset to succeed in a network marketing company? All these questions will determine the readiness you possess to be a network marketer.

QNET helps you realize your full potential as an entrepreneur. Before QNET, I never imagined I would be able to run a business and be successful at it. QNET fulfilled my dream by guiding me in the right direction and helping me make better business decisions.

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