The Increasing number of Women in Direct Selling.

Network Marketing

The direct selling industry is built upon the power of relationships. Women are pro in relationships. Therefore, it is an ideal business opportunity for women. Women in direct selling industry are increasing day by day. Many women view it as a perfect career to control their growth, influencing other women to do the same.

Women are contributing to the economy one way or the other. Women plough and sow seeds on farms, knit and paint in the handicraft industry, and are responsible for household chores like cooking, cleaning, and washing. Yet their contribution goes unnoticed. Direct selling enterprises like QNET provide a sense of self-worth and a meaningful earning business opportunity for them.

Direct selling has attracted many women into the sector and has helped them accomplish great success. The number of women in direct selling is more than 65 million worldwide. In India, more than 60% of direct sellers are women. Women in direct selling industry around the world are enjoying more benefits compared to the traditional retail business.

Today, women in direct selling recognize the opportunity and have become successful confident businesswomen. Women in the direct selling industry bond together in friendship and help other women achieve the same success. Following are a few reasons for the increasing number of women in direct selling industry.

Work from Home

Direct selling provides a suitable opportunity for women to have a career from home. It helps women cater to family responsibilities and, at the same time, have a successful career. Therefore, there is an increase in the number of women in direct selling. Women are taking advantage of working from their homes and being a businesswoman.

Work-Life Balance

Corporate women struggle to find qualified assistance to help them with household chores. They choose either a career or being a homemaker. Women seldom find a career that offers both. Thus, women are forced to take up family responsibilities and be a homemaker. Suburban women exposed to the ideal of equal treatment of men and women often want to be financially independent and, at the same time, fulfil their family obligation. Direct selling makes it easier for women because they do not have to choose. It offers the benefit of having both – a rewarding career along with domestic responsibilities and pride.

Rewarding Career

Corporate women working in a 9-5 job lack the job satisfaction needed to thrive in their career. Since they are sacrificing family duties, they expect reasonable job satisfaction for them to continue working. Many women feel unnoticed for their efforts and are rarely promoted. Direct selling companies like QNET offer rewarding career advancements for hard-working women in direct selling. With an attractive compensation plan, job satisfaction for business women in direct selling is accomplished. Therefore, direct selling is seeing an increase in the number of women in direct selling companies like QNET.


Women are seen as the weaker section of society. They are often abused, harassed, ignored, or hindered in financial growth. Many women are dependent financially on others. This future depowers them and affects their self-worth. Direct selling knows the power women in direct selling industry bring to a company. They favour women and help them regain confidence and know their self-worth. They train and empower women in direct selling with sales skills and much more. Women in direct selling are ready to face social hurdles and difficulties with knowledge and confidence.

women in direct selling


QNET, formerly known as Quest Net, is a multinational direct selling company with Headquarters in Hong Kong and Malaysia. It started operations in 1997 and has been operational in India for over twenty years. QNET, with independent representatives’ sales force, reaches customers through informative house parties, special customer contact programs, and other convenient venues. QNET has repeatedly replicated its success of women in direct selling by empowering them, training them with skills, helping them build networks and recognizing their talents.

In India, many women face educational and cultural barriers that hinder their career growth. Direct selling offers a unique platform for women to dream and desire success while working from home, maintaining a work-life balance, rewarding career growth, and feeling generally empowered. QNET creates a means for women in direct selling to fulfil domestic obligations and achieve financial independence through a successful career.

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