6 Social Media hacks to grow your Direct Selling Business

social media hacks

Social media has entered the lives of every person in this world. It is beneficial to know some social media hacks to grow your business. Social media is based on algorithms, whereas direct selling is a tried and tested business model. Social media hacks offer a very convenient way to do business while at the same time preserving the essence of personal touch, which is a major characteristic of direct selling. Combining the two will be an added advantage to your sales. Doing it right will skyrocket your business sales.

Below are some social media hacks to improve your business. You can use these social media hacks to train your downline.

1. Engage with Followers

There is a lot of potential for your business using social media. Every post or image has a measuring parameter. Everything is measured from the number of views, number of non-views, number of clicks, etc. So, the content you post on social media must have an interesting and engaging point for the viewers. Encourage your viewers to engage via a poll or a contest. You can even ask your viewers to engage by asking them to like, comment, and share the post.

Posting interesting and relevant content is one of the most important social media hacks to improve your business.

2. Post relevant content

To grow your business using social media, content plays an important role. Post relevant content on your social media. Don’t focus too much on making a sale. Instead, your content should relate to your product and the benefits your customers get from the product. Don’t focus only on content such as “Buy Now” or” Join my team today”. However, tell them about the experience and make them feel they want to join the team or buy the amazing products.

Posting photos of the products from the company is not enough to connect with your customer. Try to use your images with the products to better relate with the customers. The content you post, be it a photo or video of you using the products or a family member reviewing products, is one of the social media hacks to incorporate. It will give your followers a trust factor that you are speaking from experience.

3. Picture Perfect

Pictures have a way of communicating with the followers in a much better way than text-only posts. Even browsing through our social media, we are more attracted to posts with bright and interesting images. There are many apps online that will help you build a colourful image with very little effort. Learning these will be a plus point in growing your business and social media hacks.

Video content garners many views and shares. They are most likely to go viral instantly. A video makes you a living person in the eyes of your followers. Videos are a great way to showcase the real you without filters. You can also post videos posted by your company on social media or YouTube.

Another interesting way to use images or videos as posts is through memes (pronounced as meems). Memes are snarky and excellent social media hacks to engage. They give your viewers a good laugh. Post memes relevant to your business rather than some random meme.

social media hacks

4. Return on Relationship

Connection is the sole factor in boosting your business using social media hacks. How well you build and maintain your connection is a factor in growing your business on social media. Invest time and energy in following up with them and establishing authentic relationships. Not every follower will buy your products and join your team. They might do it eventually, so don’t ignore your audiences.

Contrary, don’t message random people to purchase a product from you. It will diminish your authenticity and will negatively affect your business. Also, limit the time you spend engaging with your followers. No doubt, it feels very rewarding when you can help your followers or when you acknowledge your followers. It is not a problem if you have few or a little more than a few followers.

However, if you have many followers, you can not answer or reply to every one of them. It will eat your time and hinder your productivity. So set a specific time to engage on social media. Set a timer if you must. Grow your business using social media hacks but don’t lose focus on growing your business offline.

5. Track your Competitors

Everyone one of us wants to be unique and do things our way. In the name of being unique, you may not be posting good content and engaging with your followers. Keep an eye on your competitors. They might be gaining more followers than you. See what they are doing right and how you can improve your business is also a social media hacks to consider. It is no harm in learning from what your competitors are posting and which posts are more engaging. You will get a better understanding of the content that gets more engagement.

Follow accounts and hashtags that are similar to your company. Engage with them from time to time. Ask them questions or comment on their posts. You can also collaborate with them to grow more followers. It is one of the smart social media hacks to grow your business.

6. Schedule in Advance

Another important social media hacks to growing your business is consistency. Finding the time to post content at a specific time in your busy work schedule may not always be possible. You may often end up wasting time on social media and not posting anything. To avoid such fallbacks, it will help if you schedule your posts to be posted at an ideal time in advance. Many free and paid options are available online to schedule your social media postings.

Similarly, it is always better if you can create topics ahead of time and keep your ideas ready. There are times when you get a bust of ideas, and sometimes you may go blank. Creating topics and ideas to post ahead of time will give you consistency in posting. It makes you work smartly and efficiently.


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