5 Network Marketing Mistakes that cost me Money, Time and Connection

Network Marketing Mistake

Network marketing is a dynamic business opportunity with immense potential and no starting risk. However, that does not mean everyone is going to succeed in it. You must be consistent and patient with your business to show desired results. Learning from my network marketing mistakes, I have become more wise and mature in network marketing. I have been able to look past my failures and achieve success. When I started my network marketing journey with QNET, I wish I knew a few things that would have helped me avoid making these network marketing mistakes that led to losing money, time and connection.

As a newbie entrepreneur, it is vital to experiment with your business, make mistakes, and learn from them. That is what I did too. I tried different social media platforms to grow my network marketing business, different techniques to acquire new customers, and various network marketing strategies for success. My excitement and hunger to grow in the first six months led to some network marketing mistakes and errors, which I call network learnings. I am glad I did not give up and came out of my comfort zone and landed in a growth zone.

These learning shaped me into something better and helped me overcome my network marketing mistakes.

1. Invading customer’s Personal Space

Initial days as a network marketer, I met with many people hoping they would be a customer. As part of my work, I held many meetings to discuss the products and opportunities network marketing offered. I was new to this work culture and often got too friendly with customers. In the hope of building a good bond, I discussed the business whenever I met them. The network marketing mistake was I thought they felt the same. However, it made them feel a little uncomfortable seeing me and discussing the business every time. Therefore, I now restrict my customer discussion to business only. And form a personal connection only if the customers feel like it.

2. Over excitement

I was very committed and excited when I started my network marketing business. Being excited about your business is not wrong. Network marketing mistake is giving out the wrong vibe with over-excitement. Customers may mistake you for pushing for a product to sell may be due to its inferior product quality. Therefore, be passionate and give the customers time to listen to their inner voice. Be pleasant, confident and grounded while interacting with new customers. They are sure to judge you by your language and tone. So, make a good first impression.

3. Unwanted intimacy towards peers

In my initial days, I drew my strength and confidence from my peers. It was a new industry, and I had to learn the workings of this business. Who better to teach you than a fellow network marketer? Socializing with your peers is good in network marketing. But, you should not cross the line and get involved with them in their personal matters. We were a group of newbie network marketers and met weekly to discuss what we did right and wrong, how we could improve, etc.

These meetings started getting more often, and we had meetings daily. It became difficult for me financially, and I gradually decided to skip meetings. This did not end well with one fellow marketer, with whom I have cut connections completely. Therefore, limit your social gatherings. Let it be productive rather than a routine that does not benefit. Maintain boundaries, do not discuss your personal problems unless you share a strong rapport with peers.

4. Network Marketing Mistakes in building Team.

In my initial days, when I was building my sales team, I could not analyze if a person could add value to my team or not. I sponsored individuals just looking to spend time without doing any work. They brought down the morale of the team and were a bad example for other team members. It isn’t easy to know if a person is genuine about the business or not, and it takes experience to be a leader. So, don’t be discouraged if you have had a few bad team members. You will learn from this network marketing mistake to trust your instincts and not be reckless in building your team.

network marketing mistake

5. Waste of Time with Shady Prospects.

As a network marketer, I have come across people who seem promising and passionate about the network marketing business. However, when we would build a good rapport and were about to finalize the deal, that is when they seemed uncertain about going ahead with the business. Few did not join in the end. This network marketing mistake cost me a lot of time. I could have spent the same time with a person in need of the business rather than thinking of it as a hobby.

Read the vibe, and be sure you are giving time to a potential customer rather than just a curiosity. It is good that they are curious, but if they are just that and unwilling to make a purchase, it is better to focus on people willing to buy the products or join the team. However, please don’t be rude to the curious ones. You never know if they might return and be your customers in the future.

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