Lifting Weights – What you need to know?

lifting weigths

Lifting weights and working out, in general, are essential to having a healthy body. It keeps our health in check. Working ours keeps us physically as well as mentally fit. In all my years of strength training in a commercial gym, I have noticed some patterns that eventually lead to injury. Though I have been lucky to avoid any injury, I keep in mind that the weight I am lifting is within my strength range. You can become stronger by lifting weights with less weight and more repetition and sets. No matter what exercise you choose, be careful and take precautions against workout injuries.

Few Things to prevent injury

1. Warm-up and cool-down

Before starting your daily exercise and lifting weights, it is important to warm up your body. Warm-up slowly increases your heart rate and loosens your muscles and joints. Common warm-up exercises are cardio and a few simple joint rotations. Cooling down is equally important after an intense gym routine. It helps to bring down your heart rate to normal. Few cool-down exercises are walking, controlled breathing and more.

2. Stretches

Stretching is important to do before and after lifting weights. Stretching increases the flexibility and movement of a muscle and joint. It also gives relief to sore muscles. Stretch after your warm-up and after you cool down. Your breathing is important during stretching. Stretching should be easy and comfortable. It should not cause you any discomfort.

3. Slow Start

Before you get familiar with an exercise, it is best to take it slow. Give your body some time to memorize and get used to a new routine of lifting weights before you do it with full excitement. Add speed, endurance, weight, and intensity over time. It is important to listen to your body and not neglect the signs and pains in your body. There is nothing to be ashamed of in starting slow.

4. Right Weight

Most common injuries happen when we lift too much weight. When you are lifting weights more than you are capable of, you may find it easy in the first set, but on later sets, you might struggle, leading to a muscle pull or a strain. Injuries happen when you are struggling to lift in the last rep. You can increase your strength by lifting weights with less intensity and high frequency.

lifting weights

How to heal lifting weights injuries?

Strength training is good until it isn’t. It is best to get more with less intensity if you are older. You will get stronger this way and not feel extremely sore and incapacitated. Anti-inflammatory tablets can help ease pain and soreness from working out. Consult your doctor before taking any medication. Workout injuries will heal on their own in time. However, if the injury is deep, has not improved for weeks, or has gotten worse, seek medical care.

Until your injury is fully healed, avoid exercise that will put a strain on the injured area. However, be active and continue doing some form of exercise. Being ideal will only make the healing slower. Work other body parts apart from the injured part. After recovery, slowly restart working the area. If you do too much too fast, you may injure yourself again.


It takes some time to adjust to the fact that you need not strain yourself or push too hard to get strong. Heavy lifting weights is one way of gaining strength. It is not the only way or the best way to build strength. You risk your joints every time you lift heavy. Please build your strength slowly, steadily, and in a safer manner by lifting lighter weights first.

Injuries are painful, be minor or major ones. Injuries can be a setback in your fitness regimen. While the cause of the injuries may differ, it needs ample time to heal and get back on track. Otherwise, it may lead to more serious conditions. If you are a fitness enthusiast like me, injuries can be frustrating to deal with. With a proper treatment routine, you will be able to get back as soon as possible.


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