KUDOS! To QNET Mentors this Guru Purnima

QNET mentors

Guru Purnima is celebrated as a way to show gratitude for our gurus and thank them for their guidance and wisdom. In my QNET business journey, I have faced many hurdles. There were moments when nothing made sense, and I questioned everything in my career. My QNET mentors were the beacon of hope during gloomy times. I am very grateful for the support and help of my QNET mentors in guiding me in the right direction.

Gurus are important in every aspect of our life. Since birth, we have had gurus guide us in all walks of life. Our mother was our guru to guide us through our toddler days. Then came our teachers to guide us through our education. When we start a career, we look for someone to teach us about the company’s working. In the same way, QNET mentors guide us through our QNET Journey.

Read on to know more about the mentorship standards an effective QNET mentor observe

Mentorship by Example

A good guru is also a good devotee. The strength of a good Network Marketing mentor is to do everything you believe that others should do and lead by your own model. Motivate others with your enthusiasm, vision, responsibility, and steadiness. A good QNET mentor is a transparent communicator who searches for the best in individuals, enables them to realize their own significance, and consistently makes the best choice! A good guru is one who is himself being coached and shares the learning by mentoring others.

Mentorship In-Service

Uplines become mentors when they help their downline achieve success. QNET mentors make themselves responsible for their team’s outcome. They offer reliable instruction and help them reach new heights of success from the beginning. They invest time and energy in leading a valuable path for their team. They inspire their team by motivating them as network marketing professionals.

Mentorship by emptying cups

A cup that is filled with preconceived notions cannot learn new things. Therefore, it is important to empty your cups before new ideas can enter. A QNET mentor knows the importance of having an open mind to succeed in the QNET business. They help you unlearn things you have learnt in your life and make way for learning new things. Void your brain of every assumption and free it up to procure wisdom from your QNET mentors.

Mentorship by Trespassing

Effectively mentorship should enable a mentor to trespass and provide honest feedback. Only when you know your strengths and weakness will you be able to overcome them and achieve lasting success. False boosting a mentee will do no good for QNET mentors. Through time and consistency, a solid and productive business is built.

Celebrate your QNET mentors

Showing gratitude to your QNET mentors is the least you can do for all their


support and motivation. Be vocal and appreciate your mentors for being a part of your success journey. You can also gift your mentor a wide range of products, such as watches and jewellery, by QNET. The QNET watches collection – Mugnier and Chairos, make a wonderful gift for a watch lover. The Royal Collection of Kinnari ornaments is every women’s dream.

QNET mentors



Successful QNET entrepreneurs will tell you how important QNET mentors were in their success. However, if you as someone who has failed in the QNET business, they will tell you the lack of support is the reason for their failure.

QNET mentors are the core of the direct selling profession. Sale and mentorship have a direct correlation. Though QNET professionals do business independently, they have the leverage of readily available guidance of their upline.

QNET mentors are experienced individuals who have been in the direct selling business for a long time. To be a successfully QNET entrepreneur, we have to be students for life. We should be humble to learn, relearn and unlearn many things in life. We have to let go of our ego and accept our QNET mentors as rightful gurus.


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