Gen Z in Direct Selling | Untapped Goldmine!

Gen Z

Gen Z is a generation born between 1996 and 2009. Born during the technology boom, this generation is native to technology. They rely heavily on its use. They grew up with the world wide web and are unaware of a world without the internet and smartphones. The older Gen Z are just 26 years old. They are in the initial stages of their careers. If you can capture older Gen Zers, then the rest are sure to follow.

It is estimated that 91% of this generation are more interested in being an entrepreneur. They like to work at their own pace with their ideas. They are more interested in being their own boss than working in some organization. Many people of this generation have seen their parents work hard and lose the balance between work and personal life. Therefore, work-life balance is a core value to them. They will not be happy with just a good job. They need balance in their personal life as well.

How is Gen Z different from previous generations?

Gen Z is going to dominate the workforce. It is important to know how they are different from their previous generations and how you can include them in your direct selling business. Gen Z is more focused on having an authentic experience. They don’t entertain fake and pompous business opportunities. Brand value and what the brand stands for are really important to these young people. Gen Z values transparency. It is not easy to fake to a Gen Z. Don’t underestimate their ability to find the truth. They value brands that are honest and transparent in their operations.

Gen Z doesn’t want to be defined as a stereotype. They like to have many options and explore them. They are easily bored. So doing the traditional job without any changes will drive them to boredom. Individuality and freedom of expression are key to them. They like having their own personality. They respect others’ choices and strongly believe in theirs too. They are very expressive and fear no one when it comes to giving their opinion.

They resolve problems based on research, analysis, and understanding. Growing up with technology, there is nothing in the world they can’t search the web and find out. They rely mainly on information on the web rather than traditional sources such as books, newspapers, and magazines.

They believe in social causes. With the declining natural resources and increase in climate changes, they believe in social commitment. Staying neutral on social causes because of a lack of vision or concern of offending some is not an option among Gen Z. They like their brands to speak up regarding certain social issues.

Gen Z


How do Gen Zers make good Direct Sellers?

Direct selling is a business model that does not involve any middleman in doing business. It can be done by anyone and from anywhere. You can direct sell at your convenient time. It does not require an allotted space for business. You can work and make money even when you are on vacation.

Direct selling is the best business opportunity for Gen Z. It offers them the flexibility in doing business and guarantees that hard work is paid well. They can set their own business hours and place, which can change daily. Many companies have a direct selling business model. Choosing the best company among the rest is crucial to a successful direct selling career. Read more about things to consider before direct selling.

QNET direct selling company has an amazing range of quality products and a good brand value. It has many organic-based supplements for wellness and health. QNET also has a large network of independent representatives who will help the young generation direct sell better. It is very easy to train Gen Z about the company’s working, and they easily adapt to changing technologies. Ease of access and being up to date with the current market innovations is appealing to Gen Z. Many Gen Z customers are likely to transform into distributors because Gen Z believes in working for a company they have a personal interaction with rather than some industry they know nothing about.

QNET is a completely e-commerce direct selling company, so it is easy to do business from anywhere in the world.

Learn more about how to start your QNET Journey here.




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