Follow-up | Key to Direct Selling Success

QNET direct selling

Follow-up is an essential step and a key to direct selling success that many forget. We expect to build our team and acquire new customers without any efforts or thoughts on follow-up. We want the work to be simple. Approach a customer, give a presentation and expect him to join immediately. If he does not join, you feel dejected and discouraged. You do not attempt to reschedule a meeting again with the same client. Our biggest mistake is assuming that if they have said NO in the first meeting, there is no use approaching them again.

People are hesitant to make a purchase immediately. They are skeptical about spending their hard-earned money on something they have just heard of. Give them time to understand your products and let them decide. Help them understand your direct selling company and let them do some research. Approach them again and help them see the benefits of the products and the opportunity in the company. One important key to direct selling success is a follow-up.

You can have a long list of products and a superb presentation, yet the chances of them buying in the first attempt are very low. If you do not believe in follow-up, it will be very difficult for you to grow your business. Circling back and doing a follow-up is key to direct selling success that will help you build a relationship with your clients.

Key to direct selling success – 4 Ways to follow-up.

Be True to your Words.

Without fail, schedule your next meeting with your prospective clients. Reach out to them at the scheduled time. A meeting can be in person or a phone call. Do as you said and meet them or call them. Nobody likes a phoney who does not act on his words. If you ignore your words and do not act on them, your clients will ignore you more. They will respect you for being true to your words. Follow-up is an essential key to direct selling success.


When a client does not buy after the first meeting, it is a huge mistake to accept failure and give up. Follow-up is a way to make prospective clients understand your company more. You show them the benefits and how the products can improve their lifestyle. When you change your attitude and accept the fact that most of your prospective clients won’t purchase in the first meet, you will make a huge turnaround in your business.

Set a follow-up meeting after your first meeting. This way, you get a better chance to assist them in making a choice. It takes multiple follow-ups before the prospective client makes a purchase. Therefore, don’t lose hope and schedule a follow-up meeting at the end of the current one, which is a vital key to direct selling success. This way, you won’t get go of an opportunity.

Multiple Follow-ups.

Once more, it will undoubtedly take a few more follow-ups for your client to give you a positive response. On average, it will take somewhere near four to six follow-ups before your potential clients become a customer and make a purchase. Be patient and follow-up with prospective clients to discuss the products’ opportunities and benefits. Everybody is unique, and therefore their decision-making time also differs. Understanding this is a key to direct selling success.

Do not get discouraged when one client takes longer than the other to come to a decision. Help them realise the opportunity they have in front of them. Share with them your experience and the reason you joined the business. Clear their doubts about products and the working of the business. Most importantly, build a bond with them. Don’t only talk about business. Share your personal experience as well. Ask them what is holding them back and help them make a decision. They will respect you more for this.

Frequent Follow-ups

When you schedule a follow-up with your prospective client, do not give a long gap in between. If you give more gap, likely, that they haven’t thought about the product or the opportunity. With their busy work schedule and other distractions, they will have forgotten most of the things you said in your previous presentation. You will have to repeat it again.

Follow-ups are key to direct selling success and need not always be meetings. It can be a text message, a video regarding the product or company, or a call. Whatever combination of follow-up you use, be sure to be quick and consistent. This allows the presentation to be alive in your prospective client’s mind. Otherwise, they might lose interest, and you might lose a customer.

key to direct selling success


Follow-up is one of the important skills and key to direct selling success that every direct seller needs to possess. The above four follow-up tips are some of the basic hacks every direct seller should know. A vast ocean of knowledge about important skills is necessary for direct sellers. Your mentors are well experienced in helping you perfect the craft of direct selling. Reach out to your mentors and learn from their experiences.

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