5 Easy and Basic Workouts for QNET Direct Sellers

basic workouts

In our fast-paced life, finding time for fitness has become very difficult. With a few basic workouts done from home, let fitness become an integral part of your everyday routine and level up your immunity.

Physical fitness for a QNET direct seller helps maintain a balance and a clear mindset essential in every business. With a few basic workouts, QNET direct sellers can better take care of themselves and achieve greater heights in the business.

Here are some of the basic workouts regime from home.


Yoga is an age-old practice that has its roots in the more than 5000-year-old practice that is wonderful for physical and mental fitness. Yoga is not a high-intensity workout, though through modernization by the western culture, we have power yoga, hot yoga, etc., that are rich in cardio and high in intensity. Patanjali yoga was developed to attain enlightenment or samadhi. In the modern world, yoga is not just practised by yogis but one of the basic workouts that can be implemented in our day-to-day life. Yoga is a popular workout routine that every fitness freak knows a thing or two about.


Walking is one of the basic workouts. It is known as the king of all exercise. It keeps you active and helps engage the major muscles required for movements. Walking is the most cost-effective type of workout. An early morning walk has numerous benefits for an individual’s physical and mental health. You get fresh air in the lungs, which is very important to supply energy to every corner of the body. Start your day with a 30min-60min walk and develop self-care, which is important in the direct selling business.

Circuit Training.

Circuit training is a set of exercises that you do in repetition. It is mostly cardio-centric and is best to sweat toxins from the body. Circuit training needs the physical movement of your body. You are never bored while doing it because you combine different exercises targeting different muscle groups. It consists of joint movements and muscle strength. If you are a beginner in physical fitness, proceed with caution while doing circuit training. It is very easy to cramp a muscle or sprain a nerve during circuit training. Circuit training is one of the basic workouts that can be done at home.


Aerobics is one of the most popular American workouts during the 80s. Many women were attracted to its upbeat music and grooved their bodies in rhythm to the music. The Aerobics crazy was so high in the 80s that many TV workouts based on Aerobics were created and were a big hit among the ladies. The best part of Aerobics is that it can be done at home without equipment. Grooving the body to a high music note is fun to do basic workouts. The most important thing is that you enjoy doing these basic workouts. Many variations have come to this classic workout like Zumba, water aerobics, etc.


Dancing is very different from Aerobics. No doubt both make you grove your body to upbeat music. However, dancing is an informal way of basic workouts. You don’t have a specific move for a specific muscle group. You dance your heart out. Dance is an intense cardio workout which is very fun to do. If you have two left feet, fret not, a dance workout does not require you to be an excellent dancer. Dance like nobody is watching. It is very good for your mental health.

basic workouts

QNET MyHomePlus HomeGym

QNET Home gym is very innovative and effective home equipment that can be used to work out from home by anyone. It is state-of-the-art equipment that comes with multiple exercises for a complete body workout with ease. It is ideal for everyone to exercise in the comfort of their home. A sedentary lifestyle, along with work pressure, has led to many of us not concentrating on our physical fitness, which is important for mental fitness. These are also the reasons for the many people suffering from lifestyle disorders which can be prevented with a healthier wellness routine.

However, getting ready for a workout and hitting the gym is a huge task. Therefore, QNET has introduced a do-it-yourself type of home gym which has multiple exercises for all muscles giving you a complete package. With 15 different exercises, MyHomePlus HomeGym is a complete gym machine right in the comfort of your home. Anyone, a beginner or a pro, can benefit from this HomeGym.

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