Do’s and Don’t in Network Marketing Business

network marketing business

Network Marketing Business is booming in today’s economy. Everyone wants to be a part of it. However, many legitimate network marketing businesses have come under criticism for false representation. QNET is a legitimate network marketing company that has come under the scanner for false representation. Let’s start this article with an example.


Imagine two people, A and B. A and B joined a network marketing company as its independent representatives. A spends most of their time recruiting new customers by hook or crook. A has misrepresented the company many times, like overselling a product as a miracle drug. On the other hand, B has gone by the code of ethics. B’s business style is first learning public speaking, educating more about the products, and ethically selling products by giving all information, including pros and cons.

Who do you think has a successful Network Marketing Business?

If Success is measured only by the number of recruits, it is definitely A. However, Success in the network marketing business is not measured by the number of recruits alone. It also includes how long these recruits last. Here, no doubt B is a little slow in the process of signing in new recruits. But, due to the path B has chosen, his recruits will stay with him forever and help him grow his business into a successful one.

Another thing to note here is that, due to A’s recruitment style, many of these customers will be dissatisfied when they realize they were misinformed. It will turn to hate and declare the entire network marketing company a scam. The action of one independent representative will bring false and negative remarks to the whole company. B’s recruits are fulfilled and satisfied because all the things they heard at the time of joining have come true. B’s team will stay loyal to the company and follow the same code of ethics while they recruit in future. Thus, building a strong and reliable group of network marketers.

In terms of job satisfaction, which is very important in life, A might have job satisfaction till the money keeps coming. But it will not last forever. When their recruits quit, his business will also see a downfall. If A does not reinvent and follow ethical network marketing practices, they will fail in the business sooner or later. All the time and energy will be for nothing.

In contrast, B, having followed ethical practices in business, will be content and satisfied. Their effort and time will be rewarded. B’s entire group will associate with the network marketing company for a long time and achieve a successful business.

Do’s and Don’t in Network Marketing Business

network marketing business


1. Code of Ethics

QNET has guidelines of the code of ethics that every independent representative must follow. It gives you a detailed list of ethical business practices to help you succeed in your network marketing business. Learn more about the QNET code of ethics here.

2. Skill Development

Every business person should have some required skills to be successful in their business. A network marketing business requires a certain skill set that helps network marketers succeed. QNET provides the required training and material to all new independent representatives and equips them with the necessary skill sets required to succeed in the business.

3. Personal Development

With every business, there comes an added advantage of personal Development. QNET enables the Personal Development of its independent representatives by helping them in mastering new skills required by the business. Helping them gain confidence and develop the right mindset for doing business. Learn more here.

4. Respect your Team

Teams are the backbone of any business. QNET is about building teams that are a part of QNET’s independent representatives. It helps people collaborate better with their teammates to succeed in the QNET business. QNET’s vast network of mentors helps shape independent representatives to be team players by showing respect and loyalty.


1. Don’t Misrepresent the Company

Every QNET independent representative should be mindful when representing the company and its business opportunity. When selling products, use the presentation given by QNET and do not use your own presentation.

2. Don’t Deceive your Customers

Ethical businesses do not find the need to deceive their customers to become successful. That way of succeeding will not last long and will hurt your business with no chance of recovery. So be mindful while doing business.

3. Don’t Take shortcuts to Success

A network marketing business is not about gaining new customers or recruiting new people. To have lasting Success in this business, it is necessary to realize that there are no shortcuts to Success. It requires time to build a successful network marketing business.


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