My direct selling business journey started with QNET. I have always been a very active and energetic person all my life. Therefore, I have been fit since childhood. After I injured my leg, I was bedridden for three months. Due to weight gain, I started strength training to get back in shape. I was looking for organic nutrition supplements to complement my workouts.
That is when a friend of mine, Snehal, introduced me to QNET’s products. It is 100% natural and very effective. I used the product for a couple of months and was blown away by the results. When I inquired about the QNET company, I was aware of its business opportunities.
Let’s see what is direct selling and how to start it.
What is Direct selling?
Direct selling is a method of product distribution without the middleman. Many people think it is a business where sales are made door-to-door, but that is not true. In this, the distributors use their personal references of family and friends to make sales. It is also where like-minded entrepreneurial people can work autonomously to develop a business.
Direct selling business is very different from retail selling, where customers purchase products from an unknown counter salesperson. In contrast, Direct selling uses networks to sell the products one-on-one. Starting does not require a huge investment, which is not the case with retail selling.
History of Direct Selling in India.
Direct selling is a very popular industry in the current economy, not just in India but worldwide. It offers a beneficial return, thus making it one of the most sought-after business models. Direct selling is more than a century-old business model in the United States. The low initial investment and steady returns have made it a successful business model.
In India, the direct selling business is fairly new and just a couple of decades old. Indian economy, after the 1991 financial reforms (LPG: liberalization, privatization, globalization), started seeing a boost in foreign investment. US companies introduced this concept in India. The direct selling business in India has grown exponentially since then.
Direct selling business with QNET
Before joining a direct selling company, one essential rule that you ought to consider is to ensure the products and services are of good quality. QNET products are unparallel to any available products in the market, both in quality and innovation. It would be best if you believed in a product’s benefits before selling it. Because you will sell this to your close family and friends, that is why Snehal first made me use the product to see its benefits. Then only did she tell me about being a distributor for QNET.
Are you wondering how many direct selling companies are there in India? The answer is that many direct selling businesses have recently entered the market. Some have ulterior motives to loot people. So, beware of such companies while considering your option. QNET is a well-reputed company and has a genuine background. QNET offers you to earn additional income with flexible hours. In this technology-driven era, QNET makes use of eCommerce. Thus, making a sale anywhere in the world is possible. You can use social media to empower and grow your business. Please make use of it to build a strong network.
What makes direct selling business a sought-after model?
Direct selling business does not require any special qualifications. Hence enabling people of all economic backgrounds to perceive it. The only talent you require is, communicating with people to connect. Time is an important commodity. Once lost, you cannot gain time. It offers you freedom of time. You can prioritize your time effectively. It can be done as a part-time job, thus not consuming your whole day. It offers a better work-life balance giving you a better lifestyle. In this business, you can be your own boss. Any sale you make profits you, so you encourage yourself to do better. There is no job pressure with a deadline to reach. With time you become more confident and skilled.
Impact of direct selling on an economy.
The direct selling industry has positively impacted many social and economic factors.
Additional income
It is generating additional income for many households. People with permanent jobs can get in this business to earn extra during their non-working hours. The skills obtained in this business are transferable, thus creating a workforce with sales and management skills.
Women empowerment
It offers self-employment. Many women are attracted to this business because they can better manage their work and personal lives. Many industries work towards the empowerment of women. Direct selling is no different in this matter.
Employment generation
Direct selling business generates a large number of jobs. Many companies outsource production, packaging, and distribution, thus creating vast employment opportunities.
CSR initiative
Corporate social responsibility is great among DS companies. Many DS companies are at the forefront of contributing to society.

Finally, I want to say there is no time like the present for this business. If you are willing to spend your free time more productively, QNET’s direct selling is a perfect opportunity to engage. It is undoubtedly a profitable opportunity, but one does not attain profit overnight. You must put in some time and work before seeing a steady profit. Be patient and decide wisely because direct selling isn’t going anywhere soon.