4 Challenges to overcome while Starting a Business | My QNET Journey

starting a business

I always dreamed of starting a business of my own and not having to answer to anyone. I was a little hesitant to quit my secure job and take risks. Will the money come? Will I be able to succeed? Did I make the right decision? These questions kept haunting me. Good golly, miss molly! Money came. Every question was answered when I started seeing steady growth. I did not expect to reach financial stability soon in the business.

I know I made the right decision when I started seeing progress in my work. I could connect with people and help them achieve what I have. My mentors were a constant rock throughout my journey. They were my beacon of hope during challenging times.

Overcome Self-doubt

I was new to the direct selling industry. I had first heard about it through my friend Snehal. I read about it online but was new to the concept of starting a business of my own. Everyone in Snehal’s family had their own business. I was convinced that Snehal had the entrepreneur gene, and thus she was easily successful. Little did I know that the entrepreneur gene is present in every one of us.

My goal was to achieve success like my friend. The destination was clear, but the path was blurry. My first meeting with the mentors gave me hope. Their words fueled my passion, and I believed I could. Today, I have achieved my goal and so much more. I am joyfully helping many people take control of their lives and live a life they have always dreamed of.

Slow and Steady Wins the race.

Life is not a race. It has to be lived well. Do not get into this business just because someone you know is starting a business and thriving in it. You do not know the hard work and time it took them to reach where they are. Money will not fall from the sky. Don’t be discouraged by it. Money that comes instantly never lasts.

Initially, my earnings were low. It was not what I expected. But with the help of my mentors, I was prepared for it. It takes time and effort to build your network. A solid network foundation is what makes your success last longer. Keep up with the efforts, even when you don’t see any drastic development. Every effort you put in will have an impact somewhere. It may take more time for some to conceptualize.

Destroying Societal Misconception

Being a successfully QNET entrepreneur, I have squashed many people’s remarks. Our society is still not familiar with the concept of doing business. Most of them believe that starting a business burns one hand. When I decided to go on this journey, many told me that it was a mistake to quit a secure job for an insecure business of my own. These people knew nothing about QNET or other direct selling companies. Most people fail because they listen to people who do not know anything that they are talking about and do not listen to people who know what they are talking about.

People who have been in this business will tell you how beneficial starting a business is if you are willing to invest time in it. It is important that you surround yourself with like-minded people. Surrounding yourself with the right people will make your journey of starting a business smooth-sailing.

Building a Team

Your team is your strength. You must encourage your team, keep them motivated and help them when they are stuck. It is important that the bond between you and your people is strong and genuine. I have always thought of my team as my family. If you help your team to be effective, they will, in turn, help you be productive. Their success is your success.

After starting a business, my team consists of thousands of smart and energetic people. They are my responsibility and look up to me to guide them. These people all have one thing in common, i.e., to transform their lives. It gives me immense satisfaction to see my people grow personally and professionally.

“If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But, if you want to walk far, walk together”.

Ratan Tata, businessman, philanthropist.
team work

My QNET Success

Success comes to those who persevere and never give up. It is hard starting a business on your own. The challenges that you face are different from your regular office jobs. If you give up, you will never know your full potential. Ask for help when you need it. And offer your help to those who need it. We can only be successful as a community. Individual success doesn’t last long.

Starting a business with QNET helped me in a lot of things. I have evolved personally and professionally. Before QNET, I had a lot of stage fear and would be nervous about standing in front of an audience to give a speech. Today, I can confidently speak to 1000s of people at a time. Before QNET, I did not give back to society. Now, along with being successful, I have the pleasure of helping people achieve their dreams.

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