Importance of Social Media for Direct Selling.

social media for direct selling

In the 21st century, using social media for direct selling is advantageous. The social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, etc., have proven as a positive tool for doing business. Social media’s power was amplified when the pandemic hit and the lockdown were imposed. It became the primary connection between people, and many businesses were able to sustain through the lockdown.

Direct selling is a business that happens between two people without a middleman. The essence of direct selling is communication. With the lockdown, there is no interaction between people. So, the direct selling business was expected to decline in 2020 and 2021. However, by using social media for direct selling, direct sellers increased their sales.

Connecting with a vast customer base

With the help of current technology, connecting with people has become effortless. Many people use social media for direct selling. It has helped create an online community where direct sellers can find help regarding their business. They find inspiration and solutions to their problems on the go. The network of independent representatives will grow stronger through the use of social media for direct selling.

Connecting with new customers has become easy breezy. They can do business in their own time and at their own pace. In addition, business as QNET’s direct seller is simplified because QNET is entirely e-commerce. You can do business from anywhere in the world. You can have a customer base from all around the globe.

How to use social media for direct selling?

Select a suitable platform.

There are many social media platforms available on the web. Not all platforms are suitable for your business. Therefore, you must choose the right platform based on your target audience. If you like creating video content a lot, YouTube and other video streaming platforms are best suited for you.

On the other hand, if your content is basically pictures and photos, then photo-sharing platforms like Tumblr, Instagram, etc., should be your pick. Facebook is suitable for diverse content types. The platform you choose and the type of audience you target are very crucial to growing your business. How these social media platforms boost your business is amazing.

Create a business page.

Create a page for your business. Note that your personal account is not the same as your business page. This page acts as a community, and your posts are similar to the flyers on the notice board of the community. You can make your page public, where anyone can see your posts. Or make it a closed page where only the members can access the content. Both types have their respective pros and cons. Many groups on social media for direct selling usually have closed pages. Creating your account on social media gives your business a global presence. People from all around the world can do business with you.

Post content regularly.

Being active on social media for direct selling business is very important. It reminds your follower of your presence. The attention span of people on social media is very limited. They will forget that you and your company exist if they don’t see about it regularly. Making new content regularly. Do not spam their feed with frequent and repetitive content. It will make them see you as a nosy business.

Keep your content engaging.

Your content must be engaging with the audience. Post content that asks opinions from your followers regarding business or current trends in the market. It would be best if you kept your followers entertained and engaged. Some favourite engaging content is polls, contests, and memes. It is not always possible to create good content. However, the content must not make you lose followers.

Connect with followers.

It is a good thing to connect with your followers personally. Reply to the comments. Address their concerns or doubts. Please do not make them feel neglected. It is helpfully in getting customer feedback and improving your business. You can interact with your followers and exchange ideas to improve your business. Social media is a daily activity. Check your social media account regularly to track developments. It is also important that you block out negative followers from your account.

Keep up with current trends.

Keep up with current affairs around you. With the help of the internet and social media, information is literally at the tip of our fingers. Along with your direct selling products, post content about these trends. Take a stand regarding the current events going on in the world. Remember not to post controversial content. Controversial content is how you lose followers.

Take the help of other businesses and influencers.

Keep an eye on your competitors and fellow direct sellers who use social media for direct selling. Follow your competitors and learn what they are doing right. Collaborating with other direct sellers will help gain more followers for you and them. People are very specific with whom they collaborate. So, build your brand before you approach them.

social media for direct selling



Many people, young and old, are active on social media. Hence the use of social media for direct selling cannot be ignored and must be used as a potential business tool. Numerous direct sellers have set up their businesses entirely online. If used wisely, social media can be your sole platform for doing business.

Read on for more social media hacks to grow your business.

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