7 ways Direct Selling is an example of Women Empowerment in India.

example of women empowerment

There are many example of women empowerment one of them is through direct selling. Women empowerment is often associated with the betterment of women all around the world. Women empowerment in India is achieved by giving them equal opportunities as men, uplifting their social and economic status, and helping them succeed. The direct selling business model has proven beneficial for women, with many women entering the direct selling industry and making it a success. Direct selling has, directly and indirectly, helped women achieve their financial goals and independence.

Let us see how direct selling is setting an example of women empowerment in India.

1. Flexible hours

The traditional job structure of working from 9 to 5 has impacted women in a negative way. Women find it difficult to maintain work and family at the same time. Women often find it difficult to stick to these working works. This is often the cause of poor productivity in women.

Direct selling business does not adhere to the traditional form of business. It is a business model which can be done at flexible hours. You can direct sell at your convenient hours and yet not compromise on results. Hence, direct selling is setting an example of women empowerment.

2. Financial Independence

Women are often not encouraged to go out and work. Along with that family responsibilities and work, pressure has forced many working women to quit their job. Not working or quitting a job has made women financially dependent on their spouses or parents. Making them lose their identity and confidence.

Direct selling has been designed in such a way that its members are allowed to work at their convenient hours and place. With the work-from-home option associated with direct selling, women are keen on taking up the opportunity to be direct sellers. With QNET direct selling many women are earning well and helping their families financially. It has boosted their confidence by giving them an opportunity to earn.

3. Work-life balance

Corporate women are struggling to manage the home and work together. Many are forced to quit because of the pressure. In direct selling, you are your own boss. You get to decide when to work and when not to. Thus, making it easier to manage both home and business. Therefore, direct selling can be considered an example of women empowerment.

4. Positive self-esteem

I won’t be wrong in saying that women are often the victim of low self-esteem. It is rooted in the social and economic differences between men and women. Many women are confined to their homes. Their social circle is limited to family and a few friends in the neighborhood. Women are not exposed to the working world and hence feel they are unworthy.

In the direct selling business, women get to meet and mingle with different people on a daily basis. They learn new things about different cultures and communities. Women get to connect with other women which will boost their self-esteem. The network they build is strong and lasts long. Direct selling is setting an example of women empowerment in India.

5. Equal pay

Many corporate sectors in India were criticized for their gender pay gap. Women are often paid less than their male counterparts for the same amount of work. Even the elite entertainment industry spoke out about the lesser pay for female artists. In many companies, male colleagues are promoted to a higher position more often than female colleagues.

Direct selling does not differentiate between its male representatives and female representatives. It treats women and men equally and offers the same benefits and opportunities. The business rules and profits earned are the same for both males and females. The only objective of a direct selling company such as QNET is to make a sale. Whether it is a male or a female is not considered.

They are given the same compensation plan. When men and women are rewarded equally for their efforts, it encourages women to give their best and achieve success similar to men. Through equal pay, direct selling becomes an example of women empowerment.

6. Skill development

Women in India, especially in rural India are discouraged to have an education. The idea behind this is, that the girl will get married and go to her in-law’s house, so educating her is not beneficial to them. There are also financial concerns, education is possible only for one child. Most often it is a boy who gets the benefit of education. Thus, girls are deprived of the opportunity to be skilled and employed.

Direct selling does not ask for any specialized skill from its members. It is a business opportunity that can be done by people from any educational background. A person without any education can also take up this business and excel. Women from all financial and educational backgrounds have taken up direct selling as a business. It is helping women achieve communication and managerial skills.

7. Self-employment

Many businesses need a minimum fund to start a business. In addition, they need a space for the business. Many women are discouraged by their families to venture out on their own due to these reasons. Women from poor economic backgrounds cannot even consider the option of starting their own business.

Direct selling requires minimum to nil initial investment. Along with that, it does not need a designated workplace to start the business. Therefore, women are not held back. Women from poor financial backgrounds also get a chance to start their own businesses. Due to this advantageous factor, many women opt to do business as direct sellers. The number of women entrepreneurs in direct selling is increasing every year and becoming an example of women empowerment.

example of women empowerment


Women empowerment in India is a constantly evolving process. Although India has been more successful in women empowerment than other countries, there is still a long way to go. Direct selling is been a major contributing factor and setting an example of women empowerment in India. Direct selling has been an age-old practice. It involves selling a product directly to the customer without the middleman.

Direct selling companies like QNET have been running successfully in India for over two decades. Because of its business model structure, it has become a favourable choice for many men and women. Direct selling is setting an example of women empowerment in India. Many women in India have seen success in QNET and are helping other women achieve success as well.

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